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Sunrise - A rant

And then this morning came, unheralded. I woke up in your arms and knew instantly that that was where I always belonged. I woke up at twilight and chose to capture this autumn morning in my senses, in my writing, because memory often fails me. But my words are defeated in the battlefield of emotions. I sit at your cluttered desk, with an equally cluttered mind and all I hear is you snoring away safely in the blanket that has witnessed our union, only last night. Is that the safety of your home, or have I become your home?

Emotions run through my veins like wild river currents at this conjecture of night and day and all I feel is your smile widening on my neck, one notch more with every breath. All I see are the barren trees out of the window sill. Smoke billows out in insinuating trajectories and becomes one with oblivion, subzero hit already. Winter reincarnates in Iowa City, but why did it bring so much happiness in my 'skies'?

Spring brought you into my life and autumn has ushered togetherness. Yet, winter is a precarious time: it neither brings collywobbles to my stomach nor a plethora of apprehension. I am nonchalant with the knowledge that you are all I need to spend the rest of this lifetime. This winter brings a conviction of a forever I have been yearning for since time immemorial. 

Why does the sky staring down at me this morning feel like an embrace? Oh, dear universe, I am your favorite little child, come embrace me, fill me with love again. 


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