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Showing posts from January, 2022

Someone over me

Pain resurfaces after midnight and sometimes flow out of my eyes then leave me numb peeling me out of  the dark into the absinthe of evil insecurities. Unheralded, epiphanies settle in everyone will always  choose someone over me Someone more beautiful Someone more worthy Someone  better over me always.

Ghosts of Past

Awake from slumber, still in a trance, my being liquidating into droplets, one after the other dripping like the rain from the heavens. Black demons, ugly demons, ugly memories from the past that I revisit  tirelessly again. History repeats itself and I break apart, What do I do with this lump in my throat this lovesickness this homesickness this congestion in my chest? Touch is such a lovely feeling but what if  it had an evil side an overlooked premonition? Love is such a homely feeling but what if  I told you today that it can too, set fire to all things you've called home- people, places, and time?