How do I tell you that fear shudders through me still...
Even when you clasp me in your arms so tight
Like his shadow lurks around even as we kiss, oblivious to our sight.
A silence prevails before the storm;
That blanches my soul when you are gone
So I sit there clutching my loneliness closer, to fill the void he left within
And picture my past: shades of gray in a canvas of grime
For I can never let go of what I dread...
Losing you like I lost him.
Most people that I have met in life have found my name intriguing, enigmatic or colloquially what you call a 'jaw-breaker'. Therefore, much to my dissent, my name got conveniently shortened to 'Shreya' or 'Shrey'. It irked me majorly because 'Shreya' is also a different name within the Bengali culture. It felt like an imposition of a person or personality that I were not. Over a period of time overstimulation forced me to accept the fait accompli until, a friend started using the word 'Shree' to address me affectionately. Intuitively, effortlessly and organically I felt like my personality fell in perfect symphony with being called 'Shree', so much so that, subconsciously, I also had started to address myself as 'Shree' soon afterwards. Needless to say, the shift in cultural paradigm as I immigrated from India to USA was vast and diverse. Surprisingly however, it made me cling on desperately to the vestiges of my roots and identi...
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